wine in cans - Vin du Can

Wine in cans: Reviews of Vin Crowd and Vin du Can

The Raise a Glass feature is published in several UK regional newspapers …  I tried some readily available wine in cans which are an option for summer festivals and picnics.

Many believe that wine in cans is the future.

They’re more eco-friendly than bottles, but the quality (for the majority of the ones on the market) need a bit of work.

Here’s a handful of supermarket offerings.
wine in cans - Vin Crowd Pink Spritz
Vin Crowd Pink Spritz
I sipped a can of Vin Crowd Pink Spritz
(£2.25, 250ml can at the Co-op).

I love the name Vin Crowd, but what of the wine in this summery picnic-perfect offering?

I poured it in a glass (no can sipping for me, though of course that’s your choice)  and the aromas spoke to me of cranberry, redcurrant and rosehip.

The fizz was a pleasant prickle, the flavours didn’t last so long.

There’s a sister spritz, Vin Crowd Botanical Spritz,  which is a combination of raspberries and juniper.

And then to another brand – Vin du Can – which is perfectly shaped for festivals and the like.

There are three styles:  Vin du Can Pale Rosé (£26 for 12 x 187ml, Amazon); Vin du Can Sauvignon Blanc (RRP £28 for 12 x 187ml, Amazon or by the can at Sainsbury’s,  RRP £2);  Vin du Can Argentinian Malbec (RRP £51 for 24 x 187ml, Amazon).

wine in cans - Vin du Can
The Vin du Can range

The pink? Mmmm, well it’s pink and, and, and moving on.

The sauvignon blanc? A bit more to say here, with a juicy fruity style and more of a flavour statement. 

The red is a notch up, it’s a full-bodied red with an immediate sense of dark fruits and toast.

Don’t expect a palate powerhouse, but if you’re trundling across fields with wine in a rucksack, then hey.

First published in UK regional newspapers:  See “About ” me

Read more: Southport-born Mike is a champion of wine in cans, and is one of the leading supporters of the growth of the industry in the UK.

2 thoughts on “Wine in cans: Reviews of Vin Crowd and Vin du Can”

  1. Interesting, as you say it is still wine even if it is in a can. Very convenient too just like wine in boxes, lets hope the suppliers up the anti by improving the quality of the wine. I’ll drink to that.

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